Ski season is just around the corner and while it’s always nice to just comfortably slide through the early days of autumn right into Thanksgiving dinner, your legs would really appreciate a bit of attention before that first top-to-bottom run of the year.
Our Chief Innovation Officer Bode Miller knows a bit about training for an upcoming ski season. He’s famous (maybe notorious) for some out-of-the-box training techniques, but he’s put together a few exercises that you can mix into your pre-season routine even if you’re not planning to push out of the Hahnenkamm start house this winter.
“In this workout I try to mimic the sport as best I can—not necessarily in form, but in function. In skiing, that means overall leg strength, but also the little muscles in your legs and ankles.” It focuses on three elements: strength/power, muscle endurance, and agility/coordination.” – Bode
Follow Bode through four simple stages to get your legs, ankles, toes and knees ski season ready.